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We know our educational entertainment programs are the best, but you don't have to take our word for it - read what children, educators, parents and the public have been compelled to write about our shows and music...

Our Kindy class is using your songs to teach children about Australia and it’s history. We are hoping to embed indigenous culture and knowledge into our program as well as valuing pride in our country and its diversity. The kids love your music!


Kindergarten Teacher, Sunshine Coast, Australia

We know all the words to the album we have and my Matilda recycles whiles singing reduce reuse recycle
Thank you so much xxx


Message from parent

Our K-4 adored your presentation! You are amazing!

Thank you so much for sharing your time with us. My students enjoyed your presentation! I loved how you combined education with your music and stories!

We enjoyed your performance and greatly appreciate you coming to the school.

Thank you so much for the great presentation! Thanks for making it so interesting


Teachers at Ravenel Elementary School, SC

Thank you so much for teaching us all about Christmas in Australia! Anyone who can keep 4 and 5 year old's attention for 45 minutes is truly amazing! We can hardly wait until next time.

Another awesome show. Thank you for all of your effort for out kids. I can't wait until our next show!

Thank you so much for coming to talk to us and helping us learn about Australia. My class loves it when you come! Looking forward to having you again!

My 3 year old class totally loved every minute! And I, the teacher, learned a lot too :-D

K-3 Ms Michelle's class thinks you're amazing!


Educators at Trinity Baptist Preschool, SC

Thank you so much for a great show. Out students enjoyed every aspect of the show! The interaction was wonderful and so age appropriate. Looking forward to having you again in the spring.


Trinity Baptist Preschool, SC

Thank you so much for such as fun-filled interactive show. It was very age appropriate and our children loved it. We will definitely have you back next year!


White Oak Baptist, SC

Kathy was wonderful! The children, age 6 months to 5 years were all engaged! Singing, moving and learning! A wonderful experience for all. Even though we have a 'tight' budget, we consider it money very well spent.


Greenville Tech Child Development Center, SC

Our students had learned about Australia for our 'Art & Music' show so your program was a perfect follow-up. Thanks so very much for the fun, information, and interactive program. Our K-3, K-4 and K5 students were very involved throughout. I would love to spread the word for this wonderful show [Coo-ee!]. 


John Knox Kindergarten, SC

This program [Coo-ee!] was amazing! It was filled with special learning moment and beautiful music! The children were so engaged! They made music with Kathy Possum's special instructions! All who watched this performance were engaged by hears and voices!! Thank you for bringing "new ideas" about our possibilities in our world! We are strong! We can love each other! We can listen to the beautiful sounds in our world! We feel so privileged to have you here at Small World. We look forward to seeing you soon!!


Director 1986-2018, Small World of Easley, SC

"The Country Life” came to Rostrata Primary School today and was performed in front of a Kindy to Year 5 audience. Extremely well received with many laughs from the audience. The songs, especially “The Country Life”, are still running through our heads. Below is a list of some feedback from various teachers.


  • Fantastic show

  • Loved the puppets and the animation of them

  • Such beautiful voices

  • Children really participated in the humerous moments

  • Children loved participating (and did so well)

  • Made me homesick!!!

  • Appreciated the adult pieces that went over children’s heads

  • Children actively attended the length of the show – even the Kindy’s only started to wiggle towards the end – and that was a really long show for their attention span! Well done!


Rostrata loved it!


Teacher Feedback

The best performance K-7 have seen at the school in many. many years. Informative, educational and enjoyable. (Teacher - Year 1)

An excellent presentation.  One of the best incursions ever! (Teacher - Year 3 & 4)

Loved it!  One of the best performances we have ever had.  The children were very engaged. (Teacher - Year 4 & 5)

Great.  The feedback and engagement of the older students was that it was very well received and greatly enjoyed.  (Teacher Year 6 & 7)


K-7 Teacher Feedback

I learnt yoghurt comes from cows. The funniest thing was when the animals picked up the instruments. Thank you for the show. 

Millie (student - year unknown)

Thank you for letting us see the show.  My favorite part of the show was when the city girl got poop on her. The funniest thing was when the baker said it was lovely weather and the city girl said he was crazy!  Eva (student - year unknown)

Thank you for the show. I learnt that milk gets checked before it goes to the shop. My favorite part was when the farmer told us jokes.  The funniest part was when the animals played the instrument. 

Rio (student - year unknown)

Thank you for the show. I learnt ham comes from pigs.  My favorite part was when the sheep escaped.  Lincoln (student - year unknown)

I learnt you get meat from sheep.  The funniest thing was the baker and the city girl making cake.  My favorite part was the puppets.  Fletcher (student - year unknown)

I learnt cheese comes from cows. The funniest thing was the chicken poop on the jacket.  Gemma (student - year unknown)

Thank you for the show.  I learnt that pork comes from pigs. I loved the play so much.  Bridget (primary student - year unknown)

Thank you for putting on the show. My favorite part was the animals on the instruments and the funniest part was when the chicken pooed on the city girl’s jacket. I learnt that milk comes from cows. I liked it very much.  Eve (student - year unknown)

Thank you for the play.  I learnt sheep’s wool is waterproof.  The funniest part was when the sheep escaped.  Malcolm (student - year unknown)


Student Feedback

The response from everyone at Freshwater Bay Primary School to your outstanding production was overwhelmingly positive.  The play ‘The Country Life’ was wonderful!


It was evident that a great deal of thought and preparation had gone into the production.  It was highly entertaining with many messages of how city and country life are closely related presented in a fun, fresh way. The props were visually interesting, the puppets were loved to the children for their ‘lifelike’ characters causing much laughter and delight and the actors entertained the audience with song, dance, musical instruments and great humor. 

The music and songs were catchy with some of the children singing the Country Life song well after the performance during recess and lunch.

Children from Year 2 to 7 were mesmerized and fully attentive. They were keen to contribute to follow up discussions about the concepts covered in the show.

It was very impressive.


Beth Chesney, Principal

One special Friday morning students from BPS witnessed an outstanding performance by Kathy Possum! Primary students were able to interact with the performers. To bring stories to life Kathy used her fantastic music skills. Kathy had a funky looking puppet called 'Grandad' which she used to present an amusing story. She selected Mr McLeod to attempt to play the didjeridoo. To everyone's surprise, Mr McLeod played the instrument like a professional! Whilst Mr McLeod played, Kathy sung. Afterwards, Kathy sang a song about an Australian man who found the Muttaburrasaurus, an Australian dinosaur. Kathy also invited students to the stage to participate in a performance of a convict song for the audience's amusement. Year Four was asked to collect plastic and foam materials for an educational song about ocean pollution and health.  Overall, we though it was a jaw-dropping show.

Composed and Published by Year 4

Bungendore Primary School

The show was simply outstanding! Full of laughter, wonderful songs and fun facts about wildlife and sustainability. My kindergarten class were completely enthralled and engaged throughout the performance. The puppets were a real hit and absolutley hilarious! The songs were catchy, easy to learn with fun actions that had the whole hall up and moving. We thoroughly enjoyed it.


Bungendore Public School

Wow! What a great and engaging way to bring education into children's lives. A thoroughly well thought out, responsible and socially advocating experience. LOVE anything that's putting the knowledge into children's hands to be global citizens.


Southern Cross University Children's Centre

I have seen many shows and yours is the best I have seen.  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Tilly's Singleton

Thank you for an amazing and talented show. I enjoyed the fact that it was educational, funny and interactive and have such a big focus on sustainability. Both myself and the children had a fantastic afternoon. I hope your shows make it around the world!


McKellar Cottage

Wow! That was most definitely the best show I have experienced with a group of children. Beautiful puppets, props and the children were thrilled with the performance. Looking forward to next time!


Gardiner Avenue Children's Centre

What a fabulous show! We all look forward to seeing your shows every year! Love your messages and educational lessons you share with us all. Children talk about your show for weeks on end.


Sandy Beach Early Learning Centre

Thank you for a wonderful and memorable show! The kids will be talking about the show for years to come and I can't wait to listen to the new CD!

Kathryn and Emma

Wingham Preschool

Thank you so much. This is a fantastic show. I've seen it twice now and can't wait to see it again!


MeKellar Cottage

Thank you for a wonderful show. Informative, entertaining and funny.  Engaged our children throughout the entire performance while teaching them about sustainaiblity and various creatures living in the ocean. The songs and interactive activity was awesome. Staff and children enjoyed your show immensely. Would love to see it again.  Magical!


Salamander Child Care Centre

Thank you so much for yet again another educational interactive show. Your messages are strong and relevant to our lives. We can't wait to see you next year.


Barrington St Preschool

This is a very special thing your are doing. Teaching the children about saving our planet is such an important thing. Thank you.

Mr Smith

Barrington Street Preschool

What a fantastic performance truly geared to our age group in a fun and engaging way!!! Love the way you incorporated the children's moves and comments!


Children's Haven Montessori

Thank you for a fantastic show. Love the sustainability focus presented in a way that is fun and informative for children. Love that you are passionate in teaching children respect for our ocean.


Wingham District Preschool

Thank you for such a fabulous show! It was informative, educational, funny and current to the children's learning. The children were involved and engaged and loved it!


Wauchope Preschool Kindergarten

Thank you for another great show. The children were all engaged, the looks on their faces says it all! Love the messages your shows give to the children. Can't wait for next year's show.

Coffs Harbour Community Preschool

Thank you for a fantastic show. The education, interaction and everything is just fabulous. Both educators and children really enjoyed the show. Looking at the children's expressions was priceless!!

Coffs Harbour Community Preschool

Thank you for a memorable show. What a wonderful way to get the sustainability message to our special little people. It was great to have a performer who knows how to mange a group of 2-5 year olds. Definitely see you next year!


Nambucca Heads Preschool

Thank you for a wonderful and very informative show. The children were involved all the way through and we loved the sustainable message. We also loved every minute of a passionate performance.


Belligen Preschool

A great performance that was well organised and prepared. The puppet interactions and songs get the children fully involved in the show. The sustainability practices really reinforced and supported our education practice and philosophy.


East Lismore Community Preschool

Absolutely fantastic! Excellent entertainment, interactive for the children. Great humour. Valuable environmental and sustainability education, event the teachers learnt a thing or two. Well done!! Fabulous, fabulous.


East Lismore Community Preschool

It is a testament to how entertaining and fun your show is that it held the attention of my under-2 children for almost an hour! Thank you so much. It was fantastic!!!!


Wollongbar Little Angels

What a fantastic educational, entertaining and engaging show! There was humour for the adults and children, brilliant puppets and music which appealed to all ages.  Thanks for reinforcing the children's knowledge of our ocean and role in protecting everything in it. We look forward to your next show!


Bangalow Community Children's Centre

Thank you for an excellent show this morning, the engagements of the children, enjoyment by all (children, staff and parents) is testament to the quality and skills as performers. As usual, puppets and characters were excellent and the message of sustainability to the children very well done.


Alstonville Baptist Community Preschool

You delivered another wonderful, educational funny show. It's the best part of our job to see the children laugh and smile. We will see you and your shows again! 



Thank you so much. The children (and adults) enjoyed your show so much. You kept them entertained for the entire show. IT WAS AWESOME!

Miss Kylie

Goombungee Little Folks Group

Thank you for visiting our centre. The children responded enthusiastically to the puppets and had a fun time. They learned about the importance of being environmentally friendly and protecting the earth through recycling. You are very good at what you do. Fantastic!


Leaps and Bounds Childcare Centre

Thanks for a fantastic show! All of A Country Garden have very much so enjoyed the show. It was great to see all of the children get involved and participate in one way or another.

Jean, Jess and Kayla

A Country Garden

Thank yo so much! Our children really enjoyed your show.  It was great to see you again and hope to see you next year!

Lorry, Alli and Karinna

Blueberry Lane

Thank you so much! Such an educational show. It really got the children involved and they learnt a lot. It was good to see them having so much fun but learning at the same time!  Can't wait to see your next show!

Miss Amy, Miss Lyn & Apple Orchard

A Country Garden

A BIG thank you for Yarraman Kindy for a fun-filled, interactive morning! As always the children had a blast, all the while learning about the ocean! Can't wait to see next year's show!

Belinda and Jenny

Yarraman Kindy

Thank you so much for an awesome interactive show. Very educational and both adults and children enjoyed it thoroughly. Very entertaining and encouraged involvement by all ages. Thank you and we hope to see you next year.


Jumping Beans Children's Community

Thank you so much for an awesome show. Enjoyed by both adults and children alike for not only its educational content but also for fun.  It gave us the opportunity to revisit precious learning.  Looking forward to seeing you again next year! 

Kelly and the Koala children

Birralee Kindergarten

We have worked really hard on sustainability and the show supported our learning and gave us an opportunity to share our learning as well as giving us a great show and chance to laugh sing and learn.


Birralee Kindergarten

Loved your show! It fitted perfectly with our learning about sustainability and reinforced what we've already learnt. Great interaction with the kids!! Hope we see you again next year!


Blackwater Kindy

Fantastic performance that kept the childrens' attention the whole way through. A worthwhile message in the music. Well done!


Blackwater Kindy

Thank you for a wonderful show! My two children have enjoyed the shows for the last three years! We enjoy your CD at home on a regular basis and 'Kathy Possum' is often spoken about! You are inspiring a generation! Thank you. Looking forward to listening to the new CD and next years show!

The Svenson Family

Blackwater, QLD

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